Deep 6 Excursion Series First Stage (DIN)

Deep 6 Excursion Series First Stage (DIN)

Deep 6 Excursion Series First Stage (Yoke)

  • Yoke Connection
  • Balanced Diaphragm First Stage
  • Environmentally Sealed
  • Compact Design
  • Marine Grade Brass
  • Matte Black Chrome
  • 4 LP ports (2 per side, fixed)
  • 2 HP ports (1 per side, fixed)
In stock

"The Deep 6 team has a lot of experience in regulator design and, through that experience, we built a great one... yes, just one."

I know, we said it, and that regulator is of course our Signature Series.

Lately, we have noticed a need for an entry level regulator targeted towards serious recreational divers looking for a high quality regulator at a competitive pricepoint.

So we decided to permanently add the 'Scribble' regulator to the line-up, with a few further enhancements.

We now have the 'Excursion' grade regulator primarily for recreational divers, and continue to offer our premium Signature Series 'Expedition' grade regulator for those wanting something with a little more.

Lacking a PVD coating, turret, teflon O-rings, and it has a standard HP seat..... the Excursion isn't as robust as the Expedition grade Signature, but it crosses all the t's and dots all the i's.  This regulator will perform as well as many other mid-range offerings well above its current price point.


Due to the ridiculously low price point, this regulator is not eligible for a free first service like our Signature Series.  However, if you'd like us to service it for you at any time, we'll gladly do so (recommended 2-year / 200 dive service interval.)  Standard Deep 6 regulator warranty applies.  Normal servicing fees will apply. (Currently $40 for 1st stage.)

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